Unleash the Prince's new fighting skills and spectacular abilities to overcome foes and unravel secrets. See your purchases and claim your rewards. Read our Code of Conduct Learn about Player Safety Report a player. Do your part to make gaming better for everyone. Restore life to the desert, undo the destruction and return Malik's kingdom to glory. Homepage Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Help. Grab your sword and strike down your enemies in 9 locations including the Palace, Catacombs and Desert. Gameloft is promising “new fighting skills and spectacular abilities to overcome foes and unravel secrets,” perhaps hinting at a little more in the way of fisticuffs to complement the successful free-running formula.Sealed away for centuries, the evil Ifrit is free once again and now threatens to destroy the kingdom ruled by Malik, the Prince's brother. Hopefully, though, the Prince has learned a few new tricks in the past 18 months. It looks as if the game follows a similar 2D action platformer course to previous mobile PoPs – the last of which was 2008’s accomplished Prince of Persia Zero. “Restore life to the desert, undo the destruction and return Malik’s kingdom to glory.” Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands ties-in with the imminent console release of the same name - and the first movie version - and sees the Prince (thats you) going up against the evil Ifrit, who’s out to topple your brother’s kingdom. “Grab your sword and strike down your enemies in nine locations including the palace, catacombs and desert,” says Gameloft. Gameloft has released the latest addition to its Prince of Persia mobile franchise.

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands ties-in with the imminent console release of the same name - and the first movie version - and sees the Prince (that's you) going up against the evil Ifrit, who’s out to topple your brother’s kingdom. Game Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands c Gameloft sn xut ã c mt thi gian, tip ni phn trc là Sands of Time dành tng các. They're basically supplementary games that weren't must plays unless you really wanted more Prince of Persia, which I thankfully did. They all contain one-off tales following the Prince and his disaster of the week. Máy H Tr: 176×208, 240×320, 320×240, 360×640. The Forgotten Sands games all take place within the 7 year gap between Ubisoft's first two Prince of Persia games. Th Loi: Game Hành ng, Game Nhp Vai, Gameloft. Gameloft has released the latest addition to its Prince of Persia mobile franchise. Tên Game Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands.